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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Prayer to Ask for the Grace of Properly Educating My Children

I did not write this, nor do I know the source.  But it is one of those prayers that I keep in my bible and pray regularly.  I hope that these words are able to help you as you start your day and focus on what our goal as parents truly should be.

Prayer to Ask for the Grace of Properly Educating My Children 

Dear God, my children belong to you more than they belong to me.  I must remember that You have entrusted them to me as a precious trust for which I am responsible and must one day account for.  I have received, by the grace of holy matrimony, the necessary help to bring them up properly; but I pray that You shall put in my heart the right dispositions to remain faithful to those graces.  Do guide me, o Lord, in this awesome task of giving my children a real christian education.

My unique goal, o Lord, is to bring my children to a truly virtuous life.  To You, I trust their spiritual call which is not mine to decide.  Mine is the task of helping them to discover their vocation and to follow it for Your highest glory and their salvation.  To this intention, I offer You all my prayers and good deeds; do help me to spend my efforts in acquiring those virtues I need most.  Help me, Lord, to correct my failings of character and mood.  Please, help me to be persevering in patience, without weakness in kindness, gentle in firmness, with great self-denial, so that I will not give in to discouragement in the trials to come. 

May all my sufferings contribute to the spiritual good of my children, and may they love You above all things; this request I address to Your Divine Heart, imploring You to hear my prayer.  Amen.

~ B. Michaels ~

Madeline working on her grammar.

Haley creating a Word-a-day card.
Joseph building with Lincoln Logs in his free time.
Lillian finding a fable to retell and illustrate.
Eleanor exclaims, "Essie is NOT in the box with the stuffed animals!"
Esther LOVES to dress up and be "pretty".  Every time I come downstairs, one of her big sisters has her in a new outfit.


  1. Heather, this is such a lovely prayer and perfect as we near the mid-year slump. Thank you for sharing...I'm printing:) Wishing you a peaceful Advent. I'm including you in my Novena for pregnant Mamas:)

  2. Thank you for sharing this, Heather! I started my novena as well when I read it on Tiffany's page. God bless!


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