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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Flags for Life and Public Rosary

This weekend, the pro-life group of my parish put up 3,330 pink and blue flags in the lawn in front of the church.  Why would we do that?  Each of the flags symbolizes one baby who is aborted each day in the United States.  It really makes a statement, looking at all those little flags blowing in the wind.  During this Respect Life month of October, the issue of abortion needs to be brought to the attention of all.

We had to adjust the sign from last year.  The number of abortions has gone down by about 300 per day in our country!  Be diligent in your praying, fasting, and making sacrifices and the number will continue to decline!

Here we are, all working hard to find space for so very many flags.

After we got done putting up all of the flags, there was a public Rosary on the Church property across the street.  This was something done all over the country and was organized by a group called America Needs Fatima.  We had about 50 people present.  It was really neat to have us all there, united in prayer for our country.  As others walked and drove by, we were a public witness to Our Lady's intercession in our daily lives and the need for us to win the heart and soul of America for Mary.

The banner that was facing the street to explain why were were all gathered.

View from behind while praying the rosary.

View from across the street while praying the rosary.
God Bless!

Heather :-)


  1. What a wonderful thing to do. Up in Illinois, we use to attend those or a life chain on that day. Down here, we are taking part in the annual Hike for Life TX each fall. Great that you are getting your children so involved at an early age.

  2. I think it is so important for our children to be involved. I know that many have mixed emotions about exposing them to the evils of the world, but children's prayers are so pure and powerful. We pray for an end to abortion and conversion of souls daily. I know that Our Lord and Blessed Mother hear their children, especially the littlest ones.


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