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Thursday, December 22, 2011

Kids Who Care - Pizza Party Edition

Our Pro-life Children's Group (Kids Who Care) had a pizza party and movie night last week.  It was a fabulous night!  We had our regular 3 families and were joined by 2 more for the evening.  We started the festivities with pizza....lots of pizza...and some fruits and veggies thrown in for balance!

The children segregated themselves into the "boy table" and....
the (mostly) "girl table".  Funny how that always happens, isn't it?

We have been talking about the Corporal Works of Mercy all year and thought it would be fitting to live out "feed the hungry" while we were having our party.  Each family brought a donation for the local food shelf and here is what we ended up collecting.

Not bad!

The children spread out their blankets, grabbed their pillows, and got comfy on the floor.  We watched Horton Hears a Who which is a lovely movie with a fabulous pro-life message and a good measure of humor.
It doesn't get much better than watching a movie on the big screen with your friends!

Of course we had to take an intermission for some cookies and treats.  After all, it was a party!  At the conclusion of the movie, we cleaned up and headed home.  My children are already looking forward to doing this again in the spring. 

God Bless!

Heather :-)

1 comment:

  1. Heather, this is awesome! Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas!


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