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Friday, December 16, 2011

Catholic Audio for Kids (and grown-ups too!)

We spend a fair amount of time in Big Blue (our 15 passenger van that gets us around).  So, I'm always on the lookout for good things for us to listen to during that time...captive audience, you know!  I'd like to share with you some of our favorites.

The basic story here is that a parish priest is overwhelmed with his duties, so all of the items on the altar come to life to help him out.  From listening to these Cd's, my children all know the names and functions of the different items on the altar.  There is a DVD in the works, but for now we are really enjoying the Cd's. I can't even tell you our favorite as they are all equally requested.  The company that produces these shows, Lumen Entertainment, is a non-profit who is truly working to get good Christ centered materials into the hands and hearts of our children...you've gotta love that!

Many of you have probably heard about Cat Chat from their VBS program.  I do not have any experience with that, but we have listened to ALL of the 6 different audio Cd's and their Ultimate One music CD.  Josh and Hannah experience everyday life and live out their Catholic faith with their family and friends...and of course Hannah's talking cat, Moses.  Again, no favorite as they are all frequently requested.

This is a CD my husband came across by accident at a local Catholic book store.  It was interesting to him because they are all songs that teach dogma of our faith.  After listening to this a few times, the children can sing all 21 of the Ecumenical Councils...can you? To be completely honest, prior to this CD I couldn't have even told you how many councils there had been, much less list them.  This is a good, fun CD filled with catchy tunes that will have you (and your kids) learning more about your faith without you even realizing it.

A favorite Catholic artist of ours is Matt Maher.  This was another accidental find.  Our family's favorite CD is Welcome to Life.  He has a wide array of styles of music and each song has a sound all its own.  My biggest complaint about "Jesus music" is that most all of the songs sound the same.  Not so with Matt Maher's music, in my humble opinion.  And, his Cd's are quite affordable off of his website.

Jim Weiss is a master story teller like no other we've heard.  Todd and I had the pleasure of meeting him at a local Catholic Home school Conference this past year.  We don't listen to these Cd's as much in the car as I would like, because it is hard to follow a story with the 2 year old chattering away.  None the less, they are excellent quality and very well told.  We have a pretty good collection that we've picked up over the years, but they are also available for check-out through our library system as well.

I'm sure that I've only scratched the surface here and would love to hear what your favorite Cd's are.

God Bless!

Heather :-)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the reviews! Good to know of some good options. I've heard of a couple of them, but haven't purchased yet.


Let me know what you're thinking. I'd love to hear from you!