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Thursday, April 14, 2011

Day of Silence

I just heard about something called the "Day of Silence" on our Catholic radio station.  Please read the article and then take action to find out what is going on at your child's school.

I suppose the first argument used in defense of this Day of Silence is freedom of speech. However, the idea is that students and staff (yes, I said staff!) are allowed to remain silent all day.  This infringes upon the learning environment.  If you intend to keep your child home as the AFA suggests, please call your child's school to let them know why you are doing so.  The schools receive federal funding by attendance and if there is a huge number of students missing due to a particular cause, it is bound to catch the attention of the administration.

We home school, so this does not directly affect me.  I was appalled to discover that there are so many schools who allow the student led organizations to promote this within their schools.   Again, please read the article so that you know what is going on.

God Bless!

Heather :-)

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