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Wednesday, April 15, 2015

So close...and yet...

I suppose you're looking for some pictures of the new house and stories about the move.  But, we're still not new home owners. So, I’m asking for prayers for our family.  

As you know, we have been working to get moved  for 5+ years…and we’re about to move into our new home.  We were supposed to close last Friday…then possibly Monday…then Tuesday….you see the pattern here.  There is some sort of hold-up/issue with the bank and our loan.  Please pray that whatever the hold-up is can be resolved so that we can get closed and move in to our new home.  

Todd’s folks came from North Dakota today to help, we’ve got a bunch of friends lined up, the movers are scheduled….you know how it all goes.  Trying to get all the pieces into place is stressful! 

Additionally, Todd is heading out of town next week for a few days and we must be out of our rental on the 30th.  So, once again, the Lord is putting our trust and patience to the test.  Any prayers you can spare would be greatly appreciated. 

In the midst of all of this, though, I have this little man to brighten my day!

I have been especially short tempered with the children...sigh...I shouldn't be taking my stress out on them. Honestly, the house (and most of their "stuff") is boxed up and they are doing really well.  I just need to step back and know that I am not in control.  Worry less, pray more...right?!

God Bless!

Heather :-)

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