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Thursday, April 10, 2014

Thankful for Everyday Life

It's amazing how time keeps slipping away from me.  I thought that I'd just done a "Thankful" post and looked back to see that it was in FEBRUARY...ugh!  Without further ado, onto the thankfulness!

Man, I must be thankful to put this picture first!  I am thankful that this little baby is growing and moving. The children are so excited to meet their brother.  I almost always have some body's hand on my belly trying to feel the baby move.  By the way, this picture is about 3 weeks ago.  Needless to say, I'm even a little larger now!

Thankful for these silly girls who wanted to have big bellies like mom!

Thankful for big rolls of paper (from IKEA), markers, and stickers which occupy these little ladies for hours throughout the week.  I love to have them tell me the stories that they draw on their giant sheet of paper. 

Thankful for friends who drive an hour to visit and bring lunch!  We used to live close to each other before we moved.  That's our lovely god daughter in the center of the photo.  Isn't she lovely!?!

Thankful for GIANT snow flakes.  I am so ready for winter to be over, but this was truly beautiful!  I am most proud of myself for dropping everything and getting everyone outside to play in this winter wonderland. It's not generally in my nature to go off schedule, but I am so glad that we did.  They had a blast catching snowflakes on their tongues and being silly in the snow.

Thankful that this is what it looks like outside now!  We were finally able to get the basketball hoop put together that the kids got for Christmas.  They are having so much fun shooting hoops....

and throwing snow at each other to cool off!  I tell ya...only in Minnesota, huh?!?

Thankful for big brothers who help little sisters work on math skills.  Here Eleanor put the shapes into an array and Joseph (cleverly hiding away from the camera!) would take some shapes away.  She needed to describe the attributes of the missing shapes.

Thankful for time to explore and play to encourage learning.  By the time my children need to actually talk about shapes, patterns, angles, etc. they have it all figured out by simply working with these pattern blocks.  I am so thankful for homeschooling!

Thankful that this little guy has discovered a love for books!  And there is no shortage of older siblings willing to read to him!

Thankful for memory game time with Dad.  The kids know better than to ask me to play any sort of memory game with them. In fact, this game started with, "Dad, can you play memory with us?  Mom isn't any good at it!"  Those children are so darn honest!

Thankful for these crazy pictures I find on my camera when I sit down to do a thankful post.  

Thankful for big buttons and a box.

Who knew how long this would hold my attention?  My mom actually lost count of how many times she dumped out the buttons for me to do this over and over and over!

Thankful for my little boy who so desperately wants to be a big boy.  He genuinely believes that he can do whatever he sees me doing.  This guy really keeps me on my toes!

I'm linking up with Jamie Jo.  Make sure that you take some time today to be thankful for all the blessings in your life!

God Bless!

Heather :-)