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Friday, December 30, 2011

Dinner from the Frozen Foods Aisle - IKEA Style

My hubby knows my weakness for mashed potatoes and gravy...most especially when I am pregnant.  He also knows that I am slowing down as we progress in this seventh pregnancy and my home-cooked meals are becoming fewer and farther between.  Thus, when we were at IKEA a few weeks back, he discovered this near the checkout lanes.  I gave him a very skeptical look of disapproval.  I mean, really, have I sunk so far as to feed my family mashed potatoes from the freezer?  But, he figured it was worth a try and bought them anyhow.

Like I said, that was a month or so ago and Todd had to make another IKEA run just to pick up some more frozen Swiss food (and most probably some chocolate bars, but that is for another post!).  While the potatoes, gravy, and meatballs are not as good as homemade, they are a very close second.  Every member of the Kraft family gobbles up the meatballs which I bake in the oven for about 20 minutes. Most of the children eat the mashed potatoes.  Those who don't eat them, don't eat my home made mashed potatoes either.  I guess the potato-loving gene skipped a few of  them!  Being the mashed potato connoisseur that I am, I must say that they are really pretty good.  Especially considering how easily they warm up in the microwave. 

I just add an extra veggie and sometimes a loaf of french bread to round it out.  Yum!
June Cleaver, I am not...I guess I will just have to come to terms with that.  But this is a yummy, affordable, fairly healthy meal that the whole family enjoys which makes it a win/win in my book any day!

God Bless!

Heather :-)


  1. Looks pretty darn good to me! Enjoy!

  2. I've never bought these frozen, but I've enjoyed them in their cafeteria, especially with a little lingonberry sauce. (As you know, we have an entire kitchen furnished by Ikea, appliances and all, so we've made our share of trips to Ikea.) :) Oh, and never mind the chocolate bars, oh my! Brendan's grandma has a superb recipe for Swedish meatballs that are pretty easy, but not as easy as throwing these in the oven for twenty minutes. :) Fun post!


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